
Thursday, August 18

taking it back old school

This weekend we decided to head west for an adventure by the sea. The weather could not have been any more perfect and the beach we decided to go to had some really great waves. There were a lot of people out trying to catch a ride on their skim board.

We had packed up and at the gas station I realized we didn't have anything to play with {football, volleyball, frisbee...} so we ran into this little local toy store across the street and let our imaginations run wild. I literally could write an entire post on all the amazing toys they still have that I used to play with and all the fun exciting new ones that have come out. Anyways, take a look at what I found! {the last picture} Please tell me you remember playing with these as a child; the little flat disks that you velcro to your hand and then take the little tennis ball and throw it to your partner and catch it on the disk? Let me tell you, it was just as wonderful as it was when I was 7. I definitely suggest you dig these out of your house or garage or go out and pick it out before they disappear!

X x