
Wednesday, March 21

Operation: Closet Overhaul

Operation Closet Overhaul has begun! Let me tell you, I have been talking about doing this for months, and this project has been looming over my head for long enough. These past couple weeks I have been slowly going through everything in my room and closet and really purging through everything. This weekend I finally got it sorted out into designated bags with a destination in mind.
I have some clothes that are in great shape that have either been worn once or twice, even some still have the tags on them and just got lost in the depths of my closet. Those clothes I am taking to some local recycled stores and trying to sell them back and earn a little cash. Other clothes I have are still in good shape but I don't think I will be able to sell them back, those are in a different bag that I am going to try to donate to a local shelter for people in need. I also had a couple of old dresses from high school that I wore to Prom or Homecoming - those dresses I know I will not use again. I heard about the Princes Project so I googled it & found the nearest drop off station and turned in my three dresses. Hopefully some girls will find them and look stunning at Prom! :)

I even found a bunch of change lying around everywhere... so I took it to a CoinStar machine and 2 minutes later I had a $35 gift card to Amazon.... oh the possibilities are endless for what I can get!  :)

I read lots of people's blogs and comments, especially from Lauren Conrad's site as she gives advice on continual closet organizing, so thanks everyone for the help to get this started.

X x