
Monday, March 5

"Wear Your Letters on Your Heart"

Good Morning My Little Cookie Jar readers! Today is a special Monday because it is International Badge Day for all Panhellenic Sororities. The NPC (National Panhellenic Conference) is a council of women from 26 nationally recognized sororities who help govern and support these sororities. Today millions of women from all sororities come together and wear their badges proudly. Even though your collegiate years in college are short, your membership in the sorority is for a lifetime and today I am proudly wearing my Alpha Phi and Order of Omega pins at work.

Q: When is International Badge Day this year?
A: Monday, March 5, 2012.

Q: When did International Badge Day start?
A: The celebration to honor sisterhood was started in 1997 by the National Panhellenic Conference. The date is generally recognized during March, which is also National Women’s History Month and set aside for International Women’s Day. The inaugural campaign was titled: “It’s as Simple as Wearing your Pin … With Pride.”

Q: Who started this tradition?
A: The creation of this event was the idea of a sorority woman. In the spring 1996 issue of Alpha Sigma Alpha’s “The Phoenix,” Nora M. Ten Broeck wrote an article titled: “A Simple Solution — Wear Your Membership Badge Today.” The article described her personal experience of wearing her sorority pin to work one day.

National Panhellenic Conference
Alpha Phi International Fraternity

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